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N.B.: This tool isn't updated frequently. It's probably better to use something more broadly useful like dasel

"q - Text as Data" -

This tool is cool, but honestly you can do a lot more stuff and iterate quicker by importing your csv into sqlite using sqlite3 -csv new.db ".import some/file.csv destination_table_name". q actually uses sqlite3 behind the scenes. See also


Format the Pagerduty incidents.csv to be more readable

## -d, = comma delimited input
## -H  = use the headings found in the input csv files
## -T  = tab delimited output
## -f  = python 2 format strings to be applied to 1-indexed output fields
$ q -d, -H -T -f '1=,2=alerted at %s,3=Description: %s' 'select id,created_on,description from incidents.csv order by created_on asc limit 5'    alerted at 2017-12-04T00:04:07-08:00    Description: proxy0302: 200 Status Code Proxy Log Watcher: Matches found in last run met or dropped below 0.0, dropping to 0.0 for 10 minutes at 12:00AM    alerted at 2017-12-04T04:14:05-08:00    Description: sandbox-apigateway00: API Gateway Error Watcher: Occurrences met or exceeded 10.00 /min, increasing to 15.82 /min for 10 minutes at 04:10AM    alerted at 2017-12-04T06:48:14-08:00    Description: hadoop-r21: Hadoop Resource Monitor: Lostnodes met or exceeded 4.0, increasing to 4.0 at 06:47AM    alerted at 2017-12-04T08:56:07-08:00    Description: hadoop-c05: /srv Disk Usage: Disk Capacity met or exceeded 90%, increasing to 90% for 10 minutes at 08:50AM    alerted at 2017-12-04T09:02:21-08:00    Description: sjc-http2: HTTP 500 error Watcher: Occurrences met or exceeded 10.00 /min, increasing to 31.91 /min for 10 minutes at 09:00AM

Format pagerduty events as HTML for pasting into confluence for issue response tracking

pagerduty-csv-download opens your browser and downloads the csv file for the last week of events. You'll have to change companyname to whatever your company URL is.

pagerduty-csv-to-html uses q to reformat the csv into HTML lists you can paste into the source editor of your HTML friendly CMS like Confluence.

This uses BSD relative date syntax, you'll have to change it for linux.

pagerduty-csv-download() {
  rm -f incidents.csv
  past="$(date -v-7d "+%FT00:00:00")"
  present="$(date "+%FT00:00:00")"
  open "$(date "+${past}&until=${present}&time_zone=${TZ}")"
pagerduty-csv-to-html() {
  q \
    -H \
    -d',' \
    -D' ' \
    -f '1=<li>%s,2=<a href \"\">,3=%s</a>,4=%s<ul><li>...</li></ul></li>' \
    'select substr(created_on,12,5),id,id,description from incidents.csv order by created_on asc' | tail -n 50 | sed 's/href /href=/;s/> />/'

Select count of daily alerts by date from PagerDuty incidents.csv

q -H --delimiter=',' -O --output-delimiter=',' 'select substr(created_on,0,11) as date,count(substr(created_on,0,11)) as count from incidents.csv group by date'