Practical Extraction and Reporting Language
Special Variables
- "That thing":
- Record Separator:
Assign an array to some matches
@array_of_matches = ($source_string =~ m/..pattern../g);
Assign several variables to some matches
my ($num, $a, $t) = ($_ =~ m/([0-9]*)\. (.*) - (.*)\.mp3/) ;
Iterate a hash
while(($key, $value) = each(%$_)){
print "$value is $key\n" ;
Print out a file with line numbers
cat ~/.bash_history | perl -nle 'print "$.\t$_";'
This should probably be done with nl -ba .bash_history
Edit a file in-place
To change all instances of "foo" to "bar":
perl -i -pe 's/foo/bar/g' filename.txt
Remove blank lines from a file
perl -pi -e "s/^\n//" file.txt
Remove lines from a file that match a certain regex
perl -i -pe 'if ($_ =~ m/string to remove/ ){$_ = "";}' filename.txt
Sort a line by spaces
See bash for a bash-only way
echo -n "whiskey tango foxtrot " \
| perl -e '
$/=" " ;
@foo = <STDIN> ;
print (sort(@foo)) ;
print "\n" ;
Sort records in a file that are separated by a blank line
$/ = "\n\n" ;
my @input = (<STDIN>) ;
my @sorted = sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @input ;
foreach (@sorted) {
if (length($_) > 10) { print "$_"; }
Subtract two from the last octet of a MAC address
for X in 24:b6:fd:ff:b7:f{{a..f},{0..9}} ; do
echo -n "${X} - 2 = " ;
echo ${X} \
| perl -ne '
@foo = split(":",$_) ;
$foo[5] = sprintf("%02x", (hex($foo[5]) - 2)) ;
$new = join(":",@foo) ;
print "$new\n" ;
' ;
done ;
Add one to the last octet of a MAC address
for X in 24:b6:fd:ff:b7:c{{a..f},{0..9}} ; do
echo ${X} \
| perl -ne '
@foo = split(":",$_) ;
$foo[5] = sprintf("%02x", (hex($foo[5]) + 1)) ;
$new = join(":",@foo) ;
print "$new\n";
' ;
done ;