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"Velero is a tool for managing disaster recovery, specifically for Kubernetes cluster resources. It provides a simple, configurable, and operationally robust way to back up your application state and associated data." - velero --help


List backups

$ velero backup get
NAME                             STATUS            ERRORS   WARNINGS   CREATED                         EXPIRES   STORAGE LOCATION   SELECTOR
velero-somename-20210916020049   PartiallyFailed   1        0          2021-09-15 18:00:49 -0800 PST   26d       default            <none>
velero-somename-20210915020048   PartiallyFailed   1        0          2021-09-14 18:00:48 -0800 PST   25d       default            <none>
velero-somename-20210914020048   Completed         0        0          2021-09-13 18:00:48 -0800 PST   24d       default            <none>
velero-somename-20210913020026   Completed         0        0          2021-09-12 18:00:26 -0800 PST   23d       default            <none>

Or as yaml

velero backup get -o yaml

List backup schedules

velero schedule get

Get logs for a specific backup

This looks like the same thing that comes out of kubectl logs or stern, but it lets you see the entire history, which is likely not available other ways.

velero logs "${backup_name}"