is a command to modify the date of filesystem metadata for a given file. By default it updates the create date of the given files.
Create an empty file
touch somefile
Update a file's modify time to a specific date
to set modify time-t
to specify a timestamp in the format[[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS]
touch -m -t 199902030405.06 1999-02-03-04-05-06.gpx
Update access time on several files
Not all filesystems support access time.
touch -a -t 199509150102 GARBAGE/FILE\ [1234]
Randomize the mtime for a given file
bash's random only goes up to 32767, which is about 9 hours in 1-second increments. With RANDOM * 32767 + RANDOM we can get this up to just over 34 years.
randomize-mtime() {
seconds="$(( $(date +%s) - $(( RANDOM * 32767 )) - RANDOM))"
new_mtime="$(gdate -d @"${seconds}" "+%Y%m%d%H%M.%S")"
echo "${new_mtime} $*" 1>&2
touch -m -t "${new_mtime}" "$@"
## change mtime of all files to the same random mtime
randomize-mtime test-foo{1..3} ;
## change mtime of each file to a different random mtime
for F in test-bar{1..3} ; do
randomize-mtime "$F"