Enterprise log consumption and analysis.
Get a list of indexes
| REST /services/data/indexes | dedup title | table title
Get a list of sourcetypes
| metadata type=sourcetypes index=* OR index=_*
CFEngine runs per hour by version
source="/var/log/messages" OR source="udp:514" "Starting CFEngine" earliest="-1w" | rex "Starting CFEngine (?<version>3.[0-9]+.[0-9]+).*" | timechart span=4h usenull=0 dc(host) by version
Strip domain from hostname for consistent UQDNs
rex mode=sed field=host "s/\.foo\.example\.com//"
Count of records per hour by host
earliest="-7d" | timechart span=1h count(_raw) by host
Count of records per source by 5m with no limit on list
earliest="-8h" | timechart span=5m count(_raw) by source limit=0
Count of records per source with a given list
earliest="-1d" source="/var/log/messages" OR source="udp:10514" OR source="udp:514" | timechart count by source
Count of records per splunk server for a given time period
Stupidly, splunk doesn't support ISO date format by default (in the version I'm using).
earliest="06/19/2015:3:0:0" latest="06/19/2015:3:3:0" | timechart count(_raw) by splunk_server
Order number of hits for a given string by an extracted IP address
earliest="7/6/2015:9:30:0" "verifying pingback from" | rex "verifying pingback from (?<pingback_source_ip>[0-9\.]*)\"" | stats count(_raw) as pingback_source_ip_total by pingback_source_ip | sort pingback_source_ip_total desc
Order an RPM report
Given a report where RPM fields are exported as field="value", such as:
rpm -qa --queryformat 'report="rpm", name="%{NAME}", release="%{RELEASE}", version="%{VERSION}", packager="%{PACKAGER}", url="%{URL}", installtime="%{INSTALLTIME}"\n'
This search in splunk will show a useful table:
earliest="-1d" report="rpm" | dedup name | eval install_timestamp = strftime(installtime, "%F %T.%3N") | sort installtime desc | table host,name,version,release,install_timestamp
See also:
- http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Admin/Propsconf
- http://answers.splunk.com/answers/140493/timestamp-contain-t-between-date-and-time.html#answer-140495
Count of kernel versions
Assuming you have a report that sends kernel_version=$(uname -r)
kernel_version | stats count(kernel_version) by kernel_version, host