CLI e-mail client
j or Down next-entry move to the next entry
k or Up previous-entry move to the previous entry
z or PageDn page-down go to the next page
Z or PageUp page-up go to the previous page
= or Home first-entry jump to the first entry
* or End last-entry jump to the last entry
q quit exit the current menu
? help list all keybindings for the current menu
Message Deletion
- Delete e-mails older than 2012-12-01:
[shift-d] ~d 1/12/12-1/1/1 # D/M/Y. this will only delete back to 2001-01-01
- Delete messages where the body matches a search:
[shift-d] ~b search\ pattern
- Delete messages where the subject matches a search:
[shift-d] ~s search\ pattern
- Delete messages older than one month:
[shift-d] ~d >1m
- Delete messages older than 14 days:
[shift-d] ~d > 14d
- Not actually a quick guide.