dig (domain information groper) is a flexible tool for interrogating DNS name servers. The syntax for this tool is a bit cryptic and is not standard.
Simple usage
dig gwos.com
Show only the Answer section
dig +noall +answer "zoosk.com"
Show only the returned IP Address
dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com
Trace a query from the root servers
This is the most accurate way to get a DNS record as it will appear to anybody else on the internet who has not queried it before, and will show you all the DNS steps involved in the resolution.
dig +trace yelp.com
If this doesn't give you a trace you must specify an alternate DNS server
dig @ +trace renovo.auto
Query multicast DNS for a hostname
dig gibson.local @ -p 5353
Do a reverse lookup against multicast DNS
dig -x @ -p 5353