"Ceph is a unified, distributed storage system designed for excellent performance, reliability and scalability." - https://ceph.com
- Ceph OSD: The Ceph OSD software, which interacts with a logical disk (OSD).
- CephFS: The POSIX filesystem components of Ceph.
- MDS: (Ceph Metadata Server) The Ceph metadata software.
- MGR: (Ceph Manager) The Ceph manager software, which collects all the state from the whole cluster in one place.
- MON: (Ceph Monitor) The Ceph monitor software.
- OSD: (Object Storage Device) A physical or logical storage unit.
- RADOS: Reliable Autonomic Distributed Object Store.
- RBD: The block storage component of Ceph.
- RGW: The S3/Swift gateway component of Ceph.
- PG: Placement Group. http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/rados/operations/placement-groups/
Activate all OSDs
sudo ceph-disk activate-all
Starting with ceph 13, use:
ceph-volume lvm activate --all
Start all ceph services
sudo systemctl start ceph.target
Stop all ceph services
Unfortunately there's not a single service or target to stop, so you have to use globs
sudo systemctl stop '*ceph*'
Show the status of all osds in the cluster
ceph osd status
Or alternatively
ceph osd tree
Show metadata about all osds in the cluster
This produces a json list with a dict for each osd.
ceph osd metadata
Show all pools
ceph osd lspools
List all RBD images in a pool
rbd list "$pool_name"
Show rbd usage stats
This will show name, provisioned, used, and will have a sum at the bottom, with sizes defaulting to human readable units. You can use --format json
to get raw byte usage.
rbd disk-usage --pool $pool_name $optional_rbd_name
Map an RBD image to a system device
rbd map "$pool_name/$rbd_image_name"
Then you can mount whatever the resulting device is. -o X-mount.mkdir
automatically creates the destination mount point, but may not be available on some systems.
mount -o X-mount.mkdir /dev/rbd8 /mnt/rbd8
List snapshots for an RBD image
rbd snap list "$pool_name/$rbd_image_name"
Copy a snapshot to an image so it can be mounted
rbd clone "$pool_name/$rbd_image_name@$snap_name" "$pool_name/image-$snap_name"
After this you can map the new image and mount it as described above.
Monitor existing operations
ceph daemon "mon.$MON_HOSTNAME" ops
- Ceph Intro & Architectural Overview - https://youtu.be/7I9uxoEhUdY
- http://docs.ceph.com/ceph-ansible/master/
- http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/rados/configuration/network-config-ref/
- http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/rados/operations/operating/
- http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/start/quick-ceph-deploy/