GNU bc
is a tool that does math on the CLI.
Divide one number into another and show two decimal places
The scale
variable sets the number of significant digits.
echo "scale=2 ; 7 / 3" | bc
Convert decimal to hexadecimal
echo "obase=16 ; 10" | bc
Convert hexadecimal to binary
echo "ibase=16 ; obase=2 ; AF" | bc
Subtract two from the last octet of a MAC address
echo 24:b6:fd:ff:ba:31 |
while read -r X ; do
echo ${X%??}$(
echo "obase=16 ; $(( 0x${X#*:??:??:??:??:} )) - 2" |
bc |
sed 's/^\(.\)$/0\1/' |
tr A-Z a-z
) ;
done ;